Vending Industry With Motors and Gear Motors From VEER Motor

Discover Fast and Reliable Vending Using Motors and Gear Motors From VEER Motor

Vending machines provide dispensable products through easy access. The motors and gear motors in your vending machines must be reliable, operate in various weather conditions and meet the demands of heavy use.
We offer high-quality motors and gear motors for all of your vending applications through motor sourcing and manufacturing. If you are manufacturing an existing vending application or you are looking for custom-made motors or gear motors for a new OEM application, VEER Motor helps you find the right solution for your unique requirements.


Speed Meets Reliability in Vending Applications

The vending industry includes many unique applications that require reliable and fast electric motors and gear motors. Some of these applications include:

  • Food & drink vending: These machines are used in various settings including businesses, public parks, educational institutions and healthcare organizations. Due to heavy use, the motors and gear motors must withstand wear.
  • Postal stamp & ticket machines: Used in post offices as well as train stations, stamp and ticketing machines require intricate motors made to handle paper and plastic materials.
  • Merchandise vending machines: Often used in common areas and restrooms, merchandise vending machines vary in size and require motors and gear motors of various sizes built to fit.
  • Reverse vending machines: Reverse vending machines are used for container recycling and are common in areas with mandatory recycling laws. They require motors and gear motors that are manufactured specifically for this application.
  • Prescription medicine machines: Used to dispense prescription medication, these machines must use gear motors that are reliable and resistant to wear.


Electric Motor Applications Within The Vending Industry Include from VEER Motor:

Gear Motor Used for Food and Drink Vending Gear Motor Used for Postal Stamp and Ticket Machines Gear Motor Used for Merchandise Vending Machines
Food & Drink Vending Postal Stamp & Ticket Machines Merchandise Vending Machines
Gear Motor Used for Prescription Medicine Machines Gear Motor Used for Reverse Vending Machines
Prescription Medicine Machines Reverse Vending Machines
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